
Who volunteers to be tested for HIV in Tanzania?

Peter Kintu, Axios International
Marie-Laure Kürzinger, Espace Santé et Territoire
Marc Pechevis, Axios International
Timothy Wakabi, Axios Foundation
Grace Mbekem, Axios Foundation

Background: Since 2002, integrated VCT services were gradually introduced into 63 primary health facilities in Tanzania, as an entry point to care of HIV infected individuals. Methods: Needs assessments, training of staff and a standardised reporting system were established. Results: Between July 2002 and December 2004, 31,196 clients (41% males, 59% females) volunteered to be tested (χ2 for trend=19.0, p<0.001). 77% were 18 to 34 years and 54% were married. Married clients dropped from 66% to 53% (χ2 for trend=8.4, p=0.004) while singles rose from 29% to 40% (χ2 for trend=6.4, p=0.012). Clients who had a prior HIV test rose from 9% to 20% (mean = 15%, χ2 for trend=7.4, p=0.007). HIV prevalence was 18.4% (95% CI 17.9 – 18.8) compared to the official prevalence rate from antenatal surveillance (14%). Conclusions: The rapid uptake of services reflects high demand for VCT and the critical need for care of positive clients.

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Presented in Poster Session 1