
Effects of undocumented migration from Bangladesh to West Bengal: a perception study

Pranati Datta, Indian Statistical Institute

The continuous flow of clandestine migration to India in general and West Bengal in particular began with Partition of Bengal in 1947.Our main objective is to study perceptions of professionals on demographic impact of undocumented migration from Bangladesh to West Bengal, a state in India. It also highlights the views of the respondents regarding policy issues. Most of the respondents believe that undocumented migrants from Bangladesh have contributed to increase in working age male and female, child mortality and adult mortality in West Bengal. The reasons of faster population growth due to this influx can be attributed to a) illiteracy of the migrants, b)migration by family, c) unawareness about family planning, d) lack of easy access to Family Planning method. Regarding policy issues respondents argue that the whole issue of illegal migrants should be judged with human face since they are forced and uprooted from their residence by some political, religious, social and economic forces prevailing in the centre of origin

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Presented in Session 111: Forced migration