
Prevalence and factors associated with discontinuation of contraceptive use in rural areas of Peshawar, Pakistan

Najma Sultana, Gates Institute and John Hopkins University

The problem of discontinuation is a major issue and is critical in rural communities of North West Frontier Province (NWFP) where illiteracy prevails. A cross-sectional study was conducted in a random sample of two hundred women from two union councils of district Peshawar. Factors analysed were socio-demographic, service related factors and knowledge & perceptions of women about contraceptive use. The contraceptive dropout rate was 27.5% (n=200). The dropouts were observed mainly within first year of contraceptive use (87%). Eighty one percent of the women and forty eight percent of their husbands were illiterate The factors associated with contraceptive dropouts were religious beliefs against contraceptive use, higher income of husband amongst poor community, poor access, improper sources of information, and women’s experience of side effects. All these factors have programmatic implications.

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Presented in Poster Session 1