How far have we come toward ICPD goals?
Nada Chaya, Population Action International
Jennifer Dusenberry, Population Action International
In 1994, ICPD called for achieving universal access to a package of basic services by 2015. This study measures country-level progress made towards ICPD goals for which global comparative data is available. It ranks 133 developed and developing countries on a Reproductive Risk Index constructed of 13 reproductive health and socio-economic indicators that are ICPD goals and Millennium Development Goals. The indicators include secondary school enrolment, female participation in the labour force, skilled attendance at delivery, unmet need for contraception, and adolescent fertility rate. The study also ranks 62 countries on their progress over the period preceding and following the ICPD based on seven indicators. In the developing world, progress is especially notable in contraceptive use and school enrolment rates. Some countries, however, have made little or no change. Everywhere, much remains to be done. Among the recommendations is the need for better information systems for monitoring and evaluation.
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Presented in Session 21: Sexual and reproductive health and family planning