
Data by sex as a diagnostic and detective tool in population analysis

Ramachandran Koduvayur V, Independant Consultant
Yun Kim, Utah State University

Gender statistics are recognized as essential data for evaluation, monitoring, management and implementation of population programs. In addition to quantitative aspect, gender statistics should be of high quality and free from errors and biases. An important but less known facet of data differentiated by sex is as a useful diagnostic and detective tool in population programs , in family planning, and study of socio-cultural patterns . Through the simple technique of sex ratio, we have illustrated and quantified the general laxity and weakness in data compilation and other data errors, unraveled military secrets and naivete in official statistics, estimated dimension of violence and atrocities and brought out some aspects of socio-cultural practices, patterns and problems. It is, therefore, strongly recommended that extra efforts should be made to collect, and compile accurate data by sex in any registration, survey and census operations and analyze and disseminate results by sex.

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Presented in Poster Session 3