Migration dynamics and changing rural-urban linkages in Nigeria
Akanni I. Akinyemi, Obafemi Awolowo University
Wale Olaopa, Obafemi Awolowo University
Funmi Oloruntimehin, Obafemi Awolowo University
This paper explores fresh issues in understanding migration dynamics and changing rural-urban linkages in south-western Nigeria. We examine the two contrasting theoretical views on the effect of rural-urban migration; that remittances from urban areas help in developing rural areas. The other side argues that the rural out-migrants rob villagers of income as agricultural productivity is adversely affected and investment in youths lost due to migration to the urban areas. The contemporary migration situation in Nigeria reflected several linkages between the rural and urban areas. The rapid urbanization process, grassroots politics, and challenges posed by support groups suggest a paradigm shift in understanding internal migration in Nigeria. Primary data through quantitative and qualitative methods were collected to explore individual migrant and migrant associations’ contribution in developing their villages. The study covered 1,800 migrants from three states in South-western Nigeria.
See paper
Presented in Session 46: Rural population dynamics