
Gender-specific economic consequences of union dissolution at the medium term

Dorien Manting, Netherlands Institute for Spatial Research
Anne Marthe Bouman, Statistics Netherlands

Many studies have examined the dramatic, gender-specific, economic consequences of divorce. Most studies, however, concentrated on short term economic effects of divorce. The dramatic financial loss is even more serious when it turns out to be long-lasting. This study gives insight into the durability of gender-specific economic consequences of divorce in the Netherlands. We examine the income effects of men and women who all got divorced in the first half of the nineties and follow their economic situation up to five years after divorce. Using Statistic’s Netherlands Income Panel study 1989-2000, which is a register-based survey with longitudinal demographic and economic information of about 115 thousand persons, we’ll show the medium term economic effects of divorce and dissolution. Also, the impact of repartnering and changes in employment on these economic consequences are reveals. Dutch women are losers in the short run, but are they also later on?

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Presented in Session 187: The consequences of marital dissolution