A comparative analysis of the integration of Muslim immigrants to the society and labour market of Australia
Yaghoob Foroutan, Australian National University
Existing a considerably diverse population by economic, social, religious, and cultural aspects is a substantial characteristic of multicultural countries like Australia. It is also an appropriate situation to focus on such issues as integration process, its measures and relevant factors. The focus group of this paper is Muslim women in Australia who are largely immigrant. Demographic and socio-economic characteristics of the focus group in comparison with their first generation and women in the Australia’s whole population are considered. It is also assumed that success in the receiving country’s labour market can be partly accounted for a benchmark of integration. So based on theoretical considerations of the paper on integration and human capital and using SPSS and logistic regression analysis, the contributions of factors such as education, English language, and duration of residence in the host society compared with other relevant factors found in literature review, on employment status are examined.
Presented in Poster Session 5