
Migration trends from Central and Eastern Europe to Germany

Sonja Haug, Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge

The presentation deals with migration trends from eight new EU members and two EU accession countries to Germany. An overview on past and current developments, specially migration and return migration, foreign population, temporary work permits, education, and family reunification, based on several sources of official data is given. Migration models and predictions of future migration are reviewed. Main emphasis is hold on Poland and Bulgaria. Therefore results of the PHARE-project. External Migration in Bulgaria – Analysing the development and consequences of the migration process” based on the Census of Bulgaria are summarised. Central and Eastern Europeans considerably characterise immigration trends in Germany, supplementing and replacing immigrants from Southern Europe. Transnational social networks and a system of labour recruitment have emerged, directing for instance circular migration between Poland and Germany. In Bulgaria, in contrast, long-term emigration intentions are more prevalent and brain-drain is considered possible.

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Presented in Session 143: Trends of international migration flows