
Delivery and impact of adolescent sexual and reproductive health programmes among peri-urban school children in Uganda

James Kakooza, EUPEK Project, Aga Khan Education Srvices, Uganda

This paper addresses delivery and effects of adolescent sexual and reproductive health (ASRH) programmes on adolescent school children. It argues that the current ASRH programmes are incorporated in programmes that are not specifically targeted for adolescents and hence ignore their health education needs. The paper discusses results of a study involving 500 peri-urban adolescent school children from 10 schools within Kampala carried out during 2002-2003. Survey, FGDs and in-depth interviews techniques were used for data collection while analysis was through qualitative and quantitative techniques. The paper reveals that;HIV/AIDS, forced sex, insufficient basic needs and physical body changes are some of the agents of reproductive health problems adolescents encounter. The paper concludes that ASRH problems affect attendance, achievement and leads to dropping out of school, affecting the quality of future lives of the affected adolescents. The paper suggests review of ASRH curricula, programmes and policies as solutions to the current problems.

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Presented in Poster Session 1