
Changing family structure and childrearing: implication for male fertility behaviour among the Ogu, south-western Nigeria

Onipede Wusu, Lagos State University
Uche Isiugo-Abanihe, University of Ibadan

This paper examines the nature of family transformation and its implications for male fertility behaviour. Data were generated through six focus groups organized among the Ogu, a sub-ethnic group of the Yoruba. The analysis reveals that although the family system is still largely dominated by extended structure, the erstwhile strong kinship ties are undergoing serious strain. Child fostering and other means of spreading childrearing cost among relatives are fading out. Consequently, men’s desired family size and ideal number of children in the society now gravitate to four children relative to over eight in the past. Men now encourage their wives to adopt family planning in order to limit family size to the number of children they can comfortably cater for. To promote rapid fertility decline in the region male centered family planning programmes are needed to enhance practical knowledge on birth control measures.

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Presented in Session 101: Male involvement in reproductive health programmes