
Extramarital sex among men in Zambia

Sitawa R. Kimuna, East Carolina University
Yanyi K. Djamba, Southeastern Louisiana University

Using data from the 2001-2002 Zambia Demographic and Health Survey, our research is the first to examine the implications of wealth on men's extramarital sexual behaviour in Zambia. Following an evolutionary perspective, we hypothesized that wealthier men are more likely to engage in extramarital sex than poor men because resources attract women and also wealthier men can afford subsequent costs of such sexual relations. Although 19% of married men had extramarital sex during the 12 months before survey, the results from logistic regression analyses do not support the evolutionary hypothesis. Instead, we found that net of the effects of socio-demographic variables and timing of first intercourse, region of residence was the strongest predictor of men's extramarital sexual behaviour. Such findings suggest that extramarital sexual behaviour is embedded in local norms and values specific to each geographic area. Therefore, sexual health research and programs should take these locally patterned cultures seriously.

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Presented in Session 60: Sexual behaviour and HIV