
Crying mothers and their tale of woes: maternal complications in the north-eastern states of India

Ruchi Jain, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS)
Kamla Gupta, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS)

The magnitude of women’s reproductive health problems in India is immense. Current estimates indicate that more than 54 million women suffer from complications during pregnancy and childbirth. The present paper focuses on maternal morbidity using the data from National Family Health Survey for northeastern states. In NFHS II for each of the two most recent births in the three years preceding the survey the mother was asked if any time during the pregnancy she experienced pregnancy related problems. The paper gives us insight into the women who are having pregnancy and post-delivery complications. Some of the complications were clubbed to explain the severity of the problem. Further, paper explores the relationship between maternal care utilization and maternal morbidity among women by their background characteristics. To study the effect of each individual variable four logistic regression models have been used with respect to four different forms of complications as dependent variables.

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Presented in Poster Session 4