Adolescent childbearing in Eritrea: an analysis of trends, determinants and health consequences
Gebremariam Woldemicael, University of Asmara
This paper examines the recent trends and health consequences of adolescent childbearing in Eritrea. Differences in risks of adolescent childbearing by place of residence, marital status and level of eduction are also assessed. The analysis is based on the 1995 and 2002 EDHS. The findings indicate that more than 95% of adolescent births occurr within marriage.A higher proportion of rural and less-educated women had a pregnancy or a child before age 20, compared with urban and better-educated women, respectively.The trend analysis on teenage childbearing shows that a substantial decline in adolescent childbearing has occurred in Eritrea, particulary in rural areas between the mid-1990s and early part of the new century. Pregnancy-related complications are also higher among teenage women relative to older women. Neonatal mortality iss also found to be much higher among children born to teenage mothers than among those born to older mothers.
Presented in Poster Session 1