Men and family planning in Bangladesh: a multilevel approach using DHS data
Mohammad Amirul Islam, University of Southampton
Sabu S. Padmadas, University of Southampton
Peter W.F. Smith, University of Southampton
This article investigates men’s attitudes and behaviour towards family planning (FP) in Bangladesh and further explores the associated determinants using the 1999-2000 DHS data. Attitudes are measured in terms of inter-spousal communication and subsequent approval of FP whereas behaviour is addressed in terms of current method choices and use. Using the couple dataset, two-level random intercept logistic models were used to identify the determinants of men’s FP attitudes and behaviour. Descriptive analyses indicate that despite high FP approval rates among men, only about 10% use male-based methods. Nearly 50% of men seem to have never talked FP with their spouses. Random effects were significant in the regression model which suggests that men’s FP values and attitudes vary across communities. Inter-correlations between FP attitudes and behaviour were also established in the regression analysis. The results highlight the need for appropriate community-level interventions to improve men’s involvement in FP processes.
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Presented in Session 166: Male sexuality and contraception