
What happens after the end of marriage in Italy?

Carla Ge Rondi, Università di Pavia

After the end of a marriage : Italy at the beginning of the 21st century. Aim of this study was to outline family, social, and economic statuses of separated, divorced and widowed persons. The analysis was based on selected raw data from the national household census that took place in Italy in 2002. The complete set of data is available on a CD-Rom by the Italian national institute of statistics (ISTAT). Only adults in the 30-59 age range were taken into consideration, to limit distortions connected with age structure. The following characteristics were considered in the analysis: household type with respect to gender and marital status; satisfaction in personal family relations in function of legal marital status, gender, and household type; assessments of family economic conditions as given by non-single partners of a consensual union and lone fathers or mothers, considering their status in employment

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Presented in Poster Session 2