
Improvement in the quality of reproductive health care services: analyses of a RCH intervention project in one of the backward states of India

Pradeep Kumar Bhargava, Population Research Centre, Dharwad, India
Ragni Bhargava, Society on Population Action, Sustainable Development and Educational Research

The main objective of the paper is to analyze the impact of RCH activities, undertaken during 2002-04 in 50 villages in one of the demographically backward state (Rajasthan) of India, on improvement in maternal and child health care services. Using Probability Proportional to Size Sampling (PPS) 250 target women (i.e.; pregnant women, lactating mothers and eligible couples) were selected from 10 villages for in-depth interview. Information was also collected from the major stakeholders on program management. Analyses indicate that ANC services and coverage found to be satisfactory but postnatal care was lacking. Women preferred home deliveries than in hospital due to various traditional, socio-cultural and economic factors. Colostrums feeding found almost universal. Complete immunization to children was quite low. There was unmet need for contraception. Knowledge about HIV/ AIDS found to be very poor. Such intervention model could be replicated in other villages too with necessary modifications.

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Presented in Poster Session 1