The demographic window by religion and ethnicity in Indonesia
Aris Ananta, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies
Evi N. Arifin, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies
The 2000 Indonesian population census has provided a breakthrough by collecting special information on ethnicity. This paper utilises this rich information by producing estimates of fertility and mortality by ethnicity and religion, and discussing the timing of demographic window of opportunity with that of the second demographic transition by ethnicity and religion. It then briefly reviews the concept of the second demographic transition, especially as related to changes in social norms. A consequence of the success of the family planning program, the ageing in Indonesia is discussed with a focus on the attitudes of the children toward the elderly parents. Section 3 examines the current Indonesian ageing by ethnic and religious groups. Section 4 focuses on the projection of the ageing population including the timing of the second demographic transition and demographic window by ethnic and religious groups. We end the paper by putting together all results examined.
See paper
Presented in Poster Session 4