Emergency contraceptives: provider perspectives in Uttar Pradesh, India
Rajiva Prasad, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS)
Mohan K. Tiwary, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS)
In spite of knowledge and availability of different contraceptive methods there is an urgent need to provide methods to be used in case of an unprotected intercourse. Emergency contraceptives (EC) refer to prevention of pregnancy through use of contraceptives after unprotected intercourse. A sample of 315 paramedics and 348 pharmacists was selected through stratified systematic random sampling method from Uttar Pradesh, India to know their knowledge, awareness and perception about EC. Majority of paramedics were females while pharmacists were males. Paramedics knew about EC through formal training and pharmacists through informal sources. Pills, the most popular method of EC are in great demand. EC providers have varied opinion about its legal status and inclusion in India's family planning programme. They feel that currently there is not much demand of EC. Clients approach them within a week of having unsafe sex. EC should be promoted through doctors, health workers and media.
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Presented in Poster Session 1