
Occupational career of young and middle-age Poles based on the 2001 FFS

Aneta Ptak-Chmielewska, Warsaw School of Economics

Occupation career is one of phases of the life cycle. Poland faced deep changes during last 15 years of economic transition. Those changes influenced not only economic but also demographic situation. One of dimension of those changes are changes in occupational situation and career of young and middle-aged Poles. Analyses conduced are based on data from FFS 2001: "The evaluation of changes in attitudes and reproductive behavioures of young and middle generations female and male Poles and their influence on the process family, union household formation and dissolution". For this purpose non-parametric models were selected. Results concerns three transitions: 1. transition to first job 2. transition to first unemployment 3. transition to second job. The aim is to unswere main questions: how long young people stay at home with parents' support? who gets job at first? what characteristics specify longness of first unemployment period? and give the picture of changes in the course of occupational career.

  See extended abstract

Presented in Poster Session 2