
Changes in demographic behaviour of households following recent socio-economic transformation in Belarus

Olga G. Grigorieva, Cairo Demographic Center
Pavel M. Grigoriev, Cairo Demographic Center

Recent economic difficulties, the decline in living standards, the spread of unemployment and poverty in Belarus have all produced significant changes in the quality of life of individuals and modify their economic activities, lifestyles, values and behaviour. These are reflected in a decline in the average size of household and in the growth of a variety of household types. This paper aims at exploring and analyzing the changes in the demographic behaviour of the households following the socio-economic transformation in Belarus during the last decade of the 20th century. The discussion focuses upon the evaluation of recent developments in the well-being of households by using several poverty and inequality measures. The analysis of the relationships between different demographic and socio-economic variables is carried out by applying advanced statistical methods, such as principal components and stepwise multiple regression analyses.

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Presented in Session 163: Poverty, households and demographic behaviour