
Metropolitan dynamics and socio-spatial segregation in the emerging metropolitan areas in São Paulo: Campinas and Santos

José Marcos Cunha, Universidade Estadual de Campinas
Alberto A.E. Jakob, Universidade Estadual de Campinas

This article presents the dynamics of the emerging metropolitan areas of Campinas and Santos over a period of three decades (1970/2000). The intrametropolitan analysis involves the study of the trends of demographic growth in each municipality, the role of the components of this growth, as well as analysis of the intrametropolitan migration and commuting. The analysis at the intramunicipal level will be carried out in order to detect the relationships among the trends of metropolitan expansion and the distribution of the population within the municipalities. The process of socio-spatial segmentation (or segregation) of smaller spaces within the municipalities will be also analyzed. This paper will show that the processes involved in the urban expansion of the region have local intra-urban characteristics, which contributes to the socio-spatial segregation of certain groups of the population. This can be clearly seen from the data derived at a more disaggregated level, such as census tracts.

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Presented in Poster Session 5