
Ending community violence against women in Nepal

Shambhu Dutta Joshi, Nepal Medical College
Shyam Kumar BK, Nepal Medical College
Naresh Pandit, Nepal Medical College

In Nepal,family-violence may either due to dowry system, gender inequality, poverty, illiteracy, early forced marriage, drug abuse. This creates fatal outcomes such as suicides, HIV/AIDS, abortions, and mental problems. To know the major contributing factors that creates violence against women. To analyse and find solution that prevents violence against women. A random samples of family, working factory and hospital female patients (1720 total) from different community and caste of aged 18-55 years were interviewed and taken the both qualitative and quantitative data. Violence against women & girls In Nepalese communities are abused due to poverty, illiteracy 72%, by family domestic violence because of dowry system 12%, abused by their own family 13%, other causes 3%. So maximum violence can be found more in homes than in working areas. Due to male dominating society, poverty, gender, inequility, illiteracy early forced marriage, alcohoal and drug abuse are the major contributing factors.

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Presented in Poster Session 3