Return migration of Japanese managers and their health
Hiroshi Kojima, National Institute of Population and Social Security Research, Japan
In 2001 we conducted a survey on Japanese managers having returned from their overseas assignment. We asked self-evaluated health conditions of themselves and their accompanied wife during overseas mission, immediately after return and at the time of survey. In this study, we have analyzed the determinants of health conditions at each stage and those of changes, applying logit models to the survey data. The analysis shows that the health condition immediately after return is likely to be bad among those in their late 40s and those in home company of 10,000-19,999 employees. However, those whose job immediately after return was sales are also more likely to have bad health immediately after return when we control for health during mission. This variable also has a similar effect on change in health conditions. The analysis of health conditions at other stages and those of the accompanied wife has also produced interesting results.
See paper
Presented in Session 158: Consequences of international migration on areas of origin