
The prevalence of abortion and its socio-demographic factors: the case of Ardabil District, Iran

Tavakkol Aghayari Hir, University of Tehran

Abortion is one of the important issues, regarding reproductive health. especially studing the different aspect of that in the restricted contexts, like Iran's, has its own place. the study have been done in an Iranian District, Ardabil, to examine the effecting socio-economic factors on abortion. the findings show that from all clients (456) woman about 70 (15.4%) experienced abortion/miscarriage and the rest (84.6%) did not. from experienced cases about 27.1 percent obtained an induced abortion vs. 72.9 percent who experienced miscarriage. the logistic regression analyses indicate that three variables; Husband's educational attainment, Ideal family size, and Parity have significant predictive power over the abortion/miscarairge experience (classifying 92.9 % of cases correstly). regarding the abortion status (induced vs. spontaneous) and applied Logistic regression, is indicative of the predictive power of two varaible, Parity and ideal family size again but this time reversely influencing the abortion status (classifyingthe 95.1% of cases correctly.

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Presented in Poster Session 1