Illegal migrants from Georgia: labour market experiences and remittance behaviour
Irina Badurashvili, Georgian Centre of Population Research
Actual economic and political situation in Georgia became a push factor for great masses of international migration. The main part of migrants is in active working age and represents the best part of population having ability to work. The level of education of migrants is higher compare with Georgian population in general. Hardly without any exception irregular migrants from Georgia go abroad to find a job. Georgians migrants are basically considered as irregular migrants in the countries of destination. Irregular labour migration of Georgian citizens can be characterized as a certain type of "temporary brain waste", as a typical behaviour of a population during a crisis situation. Nevertheless, for many Georgians employment abroad, even unskilled, will continue to be the best possibility to earn money for years to come and therefore an irregular labour migration will most probably dominate in the migration flows from Georgia in future also.
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Presented in Session 32: International migration and employment