
Role of non-profits in migration policies: Spain and Italy compared

Maria Carella, Università di Bari
Antonia Rosa Gurrieri, Università di Bari
Marilene Lorizio, Università di Foggia

In recent years, traditional exporters of labour such as Spain and Italy have been turned into immigration zones. These changes have brought about what some authors have defined as the “Mediterranean Immigration model”. A key role in the migration “crisis” has been played by the non-profit sector. The present study will focus on the causal relationship between migratory phenomenon and NPO provision of welfare to both legal and – more particularly - illegal immigrants. Analysis will be made of the proxy role, or delegate function of NPOs in the public sector as well as the advantages it brings with reductions in public expenses for budgets. The role of the NP sector in migration can be seen as the first step in EC migration policy within and across national boundaries that needs to take account of the specifics of different macro regions within the EU, such as those identified by the Mediterranean Immigration model.

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Presented in Session 141: Impact of international migration policies