
Impact of social network on contraceptive use among rural floating people in Shanghai China

Yan Wei, Xi'an Jiaotong University
Xusong Yang, Xi'an Jiaotong University
Yukun Zhang, Xi'an Jiaotong University

Using the data from “The survey for floating childbearing women in Pudong, Shanghai” in 2002, the paper analyzes the impact of the social network on contraceptive use by rural floating people. The results indicate that contraceptive use by women after entering cities tends to be of shorter effect and more variable compared with measures they use before entering cities. Initial social networks or strong ties based on blood or geographical relationship do not favour this transition of contraception use, but weak ties and greater social integration accelerate diffusion of diversified contraceptive use in this group. Moreover, floating before marriage and greater social integration promote the transition of contraception use. We expect that more rural people will float between urban and rural areas with the development of urban areas in the future, and the diffusion of contraceptive use caused by the floating will help to control fertility among the rural people.

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Presented in Session 5: Urbanization, health and poverty