
Recourse to induced abortion among native and foreign women in Denmark

Lisbeth B. Knudsen, University of Aalborg
Vibeke Rasch, University of Copenhagen
Tine Gammeltoft, University of Copenhagen

A register-based study in Denmark covering 1994-1998 revealed higher rates of legally induced abortion among groups of immigrant/descendant women than among Danish women. To elucidate the development of induced abortion among Danes and non-Danes, the National Board of Health initiated studies on abortion. We conducted a study using a triangle of methods: register-based quantitative analyses, hospital-based questionnaires and in-depth qualitative interviews with a number of women (40). This paper presents primarily results from the register-based part of the study, analysing the rates of induced abortion 1980-2001 for women born since 1960 in relation to age, country of origein and fertility pattern. The main findings showed a stronger decrease in the rate of induced abortion among some immigrant groups of women than among Danes. However, in both Danish and other etnic groups social vulnerability and uncertainty about the family situation are important grounds for seeking interruption.

Presented in Poster Session 1