Challenges of international migration to receiving countries: Estonia in the European perspective
Kalev Katus, Estonian Interuniversity Population Research Centre
Allan Puur, Estonian Interuniversity Population Research Centre
Asta Põldma, Estonian Interuniversity Population Research Centre
The present paper addresses the development of foreign origin populations from the viewpoint of demographic integration, reflected in population characteristics. Estonia is characterised an earlier onset of immigration and today Estonia features immigrant population of about 35 percent and noticeably large second generation, offering favourable basis for study of demographic integration. Paper consists of three sections. First section outlines international migration and formation of foreign origin population. Second section presents analysis of integration by main demographic processes. The analytical focus is on processes where individual decisions and preferences play a direct role, including family formation, fertility, induced abortion, education, work. Particularly, section seeks answer to what extent demographic patterns of immigrant population have converged with those among native population. Third section includes discussion and summary. The data come from Estonian FFS, combined with census and vital statistics.
See paper
Presented in Session 66: Demographic effects of international migration on receiving countries