Incidence, determinants and consequences of induced abortion in Sri Lanka: two samples of health professionals
Piyadasa Hewage, University of Ruhuna
Induced abortion in Sri Lanka is illegal and carries with it a social stigma. Attempts to examine the situation through various data sources have always faced limitations of poor data quality. The present study, undertaken with financial and technical support of WHO, employed two survey instruments to elicit the opinions of health professionals on the incidence and a range of determinants and consequences. The data were derived from an interviewer administered questionnaire (IAQ) survey and a self administered questionnaire (SAQ) survey constituting two samples of health professionals. The SAQ survey was found to be a better method of data gathering under legally restrictive and socially sensitive situations. The two surveys show that women belonging to several socio economic groups seek induced abortion for a wide range of reasons. Also, unsafe abortion practices have significant consequences on maternal morbidity and mortality.
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Presented in Poster Session 1