
The role of international migration in the demographic development in Russia (1992-2004)

Vladimir Iontsev, Moscow State University
Ivan Aleshkovski, Moscow State University

The demographic situation in Russia in the 1990s can be characterised as the „demographic crisis“. Sharp transformation of economic and political systems of Russia has led to dramatic change in the demographic processes' dynamics, major indicators' aggravation in the demographic development trend. As the result of the population decrease, the situation in Russia in the 1990’s was similar to the situation during the period of the WW2. Under such conditions the role of international migration as a factor of the demographic development has considerably increased. This presentation provides an overview on the trends of international migration in Russia and its role in the demographic development between 1992 and 2004. We especially focus on the impact of international migration on population growth and structure, based on current statistics and census data. Future migration inflows' forecasts are reviewed. We will try to discover if international migration can be a solution of demographic problems of Russia in the XXI century.

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Presented in Session 66: Demographic effects of international migration on receiving countries