
The geography of declining child sex ratio in China and India

Christophe Z Guilmoto, CICRED
Isabelle Attané, Institut National d'Études Démographiques (INED)

This paper investigates the spatial dimension of child sex ratio deterioration in both China and India over the last two decades. In the first part of the paper, the comparison of census data at different dates demonstrates the existence of stable global spatial patterns over time, but close examination of the recent increase of sex ratio values will show where the degradation has occurred. This presentation examines also how far this deterioration is due to local intensification, to regional diffusion or to a uniform trend. The analysis uses disaggregated sex ratio data from the last two censuses in China and India in a GIS format: statistical description , detailed mapping , followed by geostatistical analysis. We then explore the factors behind the spatial patterns of sex ratio differentials and trends in both China and India, focusing on the links between increasing masculinity, changes in fertility and social and economic context.

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Presented in Session 186: Demographic aspects of female discrimination: from conception through childhood