
The estimates of Brazilian international net migration and Brazilian emigrants based on the method of inter-census survival ratio (ISR)

Ricardo A. Garcia, Instituto de Geociências da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (IGC/UFMG)

The last demographic Brazilian censuses contain a remarkable set of data on population movements that, if appropriately handled, can provide estimates on important aspects of the migratory flows. On the other hand, data not directly linked to the migration, allow estimating the net migration through indirect techniques. (CARVALHO, 1980). The combination of net migration estimates with census data directly related to migration represented a methodological challenge faced by researchers and students of Cedeplar, dedicated to the migration studies. Several theses, dissertations, research reports and papers deal with the development and improvement of methods and techniques addressed to the estimate of analytical categories, such as inter-census net migration, return migration, step migration, passage migration and international emigration. CARVALHO (1980 e 1996), CARVALHO e FERNANDES (1996), RIBEIRO (1997), CARVALHO and RIGOTTI (1998), RIGOTTI (1999) e CARVALHO et al. (2001) are basic references.

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Presented in Session 73: International migration statistics and measurement