Reproductive behaviour, reproductive health, time use and family violence in Russia: are there links?
Irina E. Kalabikhina, Moscow State University
The aim of study: to estimate level and types (physical, psycological, economical, sexual) of intra-family violence towards women in Russia using gender-relevant methodologies, to study violence influences demographic behavior and sharing time within the couple. Data and methodology: Quantitative and qualitative data (in-depth interviews and focus groups in difficult to understanding cases) in 7 regions of urban and rural Russia. Respondents: married or cohabited men and women, 18-65 ages (N=2134). Results: The level of family violence against women(LFVAW)is very high in Russian families. LFVAW does not influence clearly female reproductive attitudes (in low fertility country like Russia) and health, however, LFVAW links with reproductive unwanted behavior. LFVAW influences gender asymmetry of labor distribution in household. Gender distribution of income does not influence gender time using. Family composition and demographic variables influence LFVAW and patriarchal behavior (gender distribution of labor in household).
Presented in Poster Session 3