
The influence of attitudes, subjective norms and perceived behavioural control on union formation intentions

Dimiter Philipov, Vienna Institute of Demography

In this paper we investigate the role of attitudes, norms and behavioural control on the decision to ‘start living together’ by focusing on the determinants of union formation intentions. Our data come from a survey carried out in Bulgaria in 2002. The sample includes 10,003 men and women aged 18-34, either in couple or single, and it is representative by age, marital status and region. In the survey, questions inspired by Ajzen's theory of planned behaviour were included. Preliminary analyses carried using a logit regression model show that attitudes and subjective norms matter as determinants of union formation intentions, net of 'objective' factors. Moreover, we find gender differences in the impact of subjective norms and no impact of perceived behavioural control.

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Presented in Session 139: Cultural dimensions of demographic behaviour in industrialized societies