
Risk-taking behaviours and masculinity issues in youth

Manirul I. Khan, Mahidol University
Priyakamon Khan, Mahidol University
Khurshid K. Talukder, Institute of Child and Mother Health

This paper analyzes the masculinity and risk behaviour issues in Narayanganj city, Dhaka. The Institute of Child and Mother Health (ICMH), with financial support from WHO, Geneva,2001 has carried out the first study of risk and protective factors for youth. This research included investigation of the prevalence of youth risk behaviour (smoking, suicide, violence, alcohol, drug abuse and pre and extra-marital sexual activity) along with the relationship between such behaviour and the four domains of protection, connection, regulation, psychological autonomy and religion) in a number of social settings (such as family, peer, school/college and community). The qualitative phase included 22 key-informant interviews, 12 focus group discussions and 37 in-depth interviews. The result shows that there is a relation with youth masculinity and risk behaviour in Narayangong city in Bangladesh.This data clearly shows that there is a clear need to understand the link between the risk behaviour of youth and their masculinity.

Presented in Poster Session 1