Infertility and late maternity
Nina Rusanova, Institute for Socio-Economic Problems of Population RAS
High infertility level in Russia assisted by the development of new reproductive technologies. Specific character of reproductive treatment results in great number of patients of elder fertility period, when effectiveness of treatment is low. Main results of current investigation (Moscow, n=150, 01.09.2004): A). Women of 35-58, with official and long-term marriages, high educational level, stable income and realized “life plans”. B). Minority of childless women. Infertile women elder 40 name “lack of money for modern infertility treatment” as the main reason of late maternity. C). Moral problems of reproductive donation. D). Good knowledge about health risks for children and late parents. All respondents consider themselves as “good health” in spite of some chronic diseases. E). Late maternity is accompanied by late paternity. Problem of interrelation between late children and their parents consider as strained or unimportant.
Presented in Poster Session 1