Addressing men’s sexuality to prevent STD and HIV transmission in the slums of Mumbai, India
Niranjan Saggurti, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS)
Rama Rao Garimella, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS)
Stephen L. Schensul, University of Connecticut
Ravi K. Verma, Population Council
Rajendra Singh, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS)
This paper presents the nature of premarital and extra-marital male sex behavior, and its impact on gupt rog (sexual illnesses), marital disturbances that are examined in the slums of Mumbai, India; using in-depth interviews (30), and structured interview schedule (2408) among married men in the age-group of 21-40 years. The study demonstrated the higher degree of premarital sex (38 percent) and extramarital sex (23 per cent). Patterns of sex behaviour vary depending upon education, occupation, mobility, culture, attitudes, beliefs, age at marriage, masculinity and sexual satisfaction in marriage. About 53 per cent reported atleast one sexual health problem in the last three months. Risky sex behaviour evidenced a significant effect on their sexual health and the marital disturbances. Sex at work or in neighbourhood are most common in slums demands the need for alternative interventions beyond community awareness and condom promotion would for better men’s sexual and reproductive health.
Presented in Poster Session 1