Population and development in Sri Lanka: some emerging issues
Ulimiri V. Somayajulu, TNS India
Mukherji Tilak, TNS India
The present paper aims at observing the population and development trends in Sri Lanka, an island nation through an analysis of the DHS and Census data at national, province and district level. The paper also analyses the relation between the population and development variables and identifies the emerging issues. The island country Sri Lanka has higher level of development in terms of Human Development Index, life expectancy at birth, literacy rate and infant mortality rate. The country experienced significant decline in it's population since late fifties due to several factors. The availability of electricity, access to pipe borne water, and toilets still need attention. The analysis also indicates wide-ranging differentials by province and district. For instance the Northern and Eastern provinces and the Estate sector have higher levels of fertility and mortality and poor social infrastructure. The emerging issues include regional disparities, higher out migration, aging and urbanisation.
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Presented in Session 37: Population and development in island countries, states and territories