
Environmental factors and lung cancer among non-smokers: a case study of Bangkok

Priyakamon Khan, Mahidol University
Martin A. Hooper, Monash University
Manirul I. Khan, Mahidol University

The purpose of this study was to examine the possible environmental factors for lung cancer among nonsmokers who were Bangkok residents and diagnosed between 1996 – 2000 at The National Cancer Institute. Subjects were classified as nonsmokers as they had never smoked during their lifetime. Retrospective data on various aspects of environmental tobacco smoke, residential exposure and occupational exposure were assessed by logistic regression models. These cases were compared with nonsmoking general population. The risk was increased significantly for those who were females (OR=6.6, 95%CI= 2.3–7.5), lived in heavily polluted area (OR=1.3, 95%CI=1.12 – 4.2), reported living close to main road within 200 m-radius (OR=8.1, 95%CI=3.8–14.4), and also living close to factory less than 1 km (OR=3.8, 95%CI=1.6-4.3). Significant increased risk was also observed for factory workers and indoor workers who exposed to fume or VOCs. The risk was also associated with environmental tobacco smoke exposure during working lifetime.

  See extended abstract

Presented in Poster Session 3