
Reducing regional health inequalities in France by resource allocation: which approach?

Alain Jourdain
Martine Bellanger, ENSP

This paper aims to evaluate the results of two different types of approach underlying the attempt to reduce territorial health inequalities. In the first one, resource allocation is based on the mortality indicators. In the second approach, health professionals and users in a given region are involved in a consensus process to define the priorities to be included in programme formulation. The evaluation of the results runs parallel with an analysis of the decision process. A pragmatic analysis was based on the mortality rates, and on the evolution of regional health policies through the evaluation of programmes such as prevention of suicide or alcohol related mortality provide a partial assessment of the impact of the two types of approach, the second having a greater effect on the reduction of regional inequalities. The second approach seems more efficient than the firstone. We will discuss these findings.

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Presented in Poster Session 4