
Ethnicity and adolescents well-being: the role of social and environmental factors

Yara Jarallah, American University of Beirut

This study investigates the effect of ethnicity on adolescents well being in light of social and environmental factors. Data used in this study come from the Urban Health Survey, Adolescent component that was carried out between 2002 and 2003 in three impoverished communities in the outskirts of Beirut: Nabaa, Hay El-sollom, and Bourj El-barajneh. A total of 1296 never married adolescents aged 13-19 years were surveyed in the three communities. The current study compares the Palestinian adolescents from Bourj El-barajneh refugee camp (n=575) with their Lebanese counterparts in Nabaa and Hay El-sollom (n=721). A model which includes ethnicity, built environment and social support measures will guide the analysis while controlling for household income and education. It is hypothesized that ethnicity will have an overall negative effect on Adolescents’ well being (reference category: Lebanese), even after controlling for all environmental and social factors.

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Presented in Session 111: Forced migration