The multiple trajectories of the young Brazilians towards adult life
Ana Amelia Camarano, Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada (IPEA)
Juliana Leitão Mello
Maria Tereza Pasinato
Solange Kanso
The paper discusses the definition of youth considering several ways in which the transition to adult life may occur in Brazil. The considered dimensions were insertion in school, in the labour market and in family. It is based on empirical analysis comparing 1982 to 2002. It analyses several patterns of transition considering those who left parental homes to become heads of household or spouses and those who have stayed in the condition of children or other relatives. The results suggest that this process is characterized by non-linear trajectories of the life stages. For instance, children may precede marriage, marriage may occur without a job, and so on. Also, transition to adult life may take place through new familial arrangements. It was not possible to conclude whether the transition processes are or not reversible with time although it is believed that any phase of this process contain possibilities of reversal.
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Presented in Session 154: Passages to adulthood in developing countries (1)