
Health vulnerability among temporary migrants in urban China

Zhenzhen Zheng, Institute of Population and Labor Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
Pengling Lian, Chinese Academy of Sciences

China has experienced a historical labour force migration since the 1990s, while health risks of migrants became a very important issue. This paper will discuss the vulnerability to HIV/AIDS infection, reproductive health, infectious disease, and occupational health issues of migrants within China, based on limited publications, research reports, and statistics. Possible determinants of health risks of migrants will be also discussed from four aspects: government related factors, employer related factors, health sectors, as well as the individual’s health believes. The paper will identify the most vulnerable group(s) to a specific health risk. Estimations of risks will be separate for men and women, single and married, employed in formal and informal sectors, and in different occupations.

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Presented in Session 61: Migration and health (2)