
Quality of care in reproductive health: towards a rights-based approach

Zhenzhen Zheng, Institute of Population and Labor Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

This paper uses national survey data mainly to assess the changes and impacts of family planning program on women’s reproductive health outcomes. As the re-orientation of family planning program from fulfilling population target to meet people’s RH needs, an assessment with a right-based approach and from client perspective is necessary. The paper describes the current status and changes over the last decade of 20th century mainly in quantitative format, on contraceptive use, method mix, the decision making process and service received; contraceptive side effects, treatment and knowledge; induced abortion and post-abortion care received; maternal check and delivery; gynecological check-ups; and reproductive health related knowledge and attitudes. The paper also discusses what have not been changed as expected and why. Gaps between expectation and reality will be identified, and future challenges will be suggested.

  See extended abstract

Presented in Poster Session 1