Consequences of poverty in a gender perspective. Results of the 2001/2002 German time use survey (ZBE,TUS, HETUS)
Erlend Holz, Federal Statistical Office, Bonn
Fighting poverty and social exclusion is a very important political topic in the EU. The "National Action Plans against Poverty and Social Exclusion" (NAPs/inclusion) are continued in 2003/05. Time Use Surveys (TUS) allow analysing the consequences of poverty for everyday life beyond the sole monetary aggregates which define poverty. My research topics dealing with the time use of poor families and households are: * inequality between men and women in everyday life: is it more evident in poor households? * temporary obligations and social participation * participation in networks and voluntary work (social capital) * social life inside / outside the family. The 2001/02 time use survey and the previous one (1991/92) were conducted on the behalf of the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth of Germany. The microdata will become available as a Public Use File for foreign users and other interested persons in 2005.
See paper
Presented in Session 145: Sharing time within the couple and family life