Social consequences of HIV/AIDS: stigma and discrimination in the workplace in Nigeria
Chinwe Nwanna, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences,University of Lagos,
Abstract The paper assesses the level and manifestations of HIV-related stigma and discrimination in the workplace in Nigeria. A purposive and accidental sample of 150 people living with HIV/AIDS were interviewed in three states of Nigeria using a structured interview schedule from 11th March 2004 to 4th April 2004. This was complemented by focus group discussions. Out of the 150 PLWHA, 80 had worked. Of these 80, 16% were rejected, restricted from sharing toilets, canteens and sports facilities (36%) and (13%) respectively. 48% lost their jobs, threatened with dismissal (16%). Job duties were changed for 26%. About 10% lost prospects for promotion and 40% were excluded from insurance schemes. Mandatory HIV tests and testing without specific and informed consent affected 5%. More women than men experienced these stigmatizing and discriminating acts. Massive HIV/AIDS education and enlightenment campaigns should be organized. ILO, anti-discriminatory laws and CEDAW should be enforced.
See paper
Presented in Poster Session 1