
Testing own-future versus household well-being decision rules for migration in South Africa

Gordon F. De Jong, Pennsylvania State University
Bina Gubhaju, Pennsylvania State University

This study test how individually-held own-future vs. alternative household well-being migration decision making rules effect the intentions to migrate of male and female South African adults. Drawing on ideas from neoclassical and new household economic theory as well as the gender and migration literature, data from the Causes of Migration in South Africa national migration survey are used to fit gender-specific regression models of intentions to migrate. The results show significant and gender differentiated effects of migration decision rules, particularly on short time-horizon migration intentions. The results also document major differences in the value-expectancy, life satisfaction, human capital, household resources, and family and demographic determinants of migration intentions within decision rule categories.

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Presented in Session 17: Spatial mobility and immobility in developing countries