The extent of internal displacement in Turkey and its consequences on the child educational attainment and health in Turkey
Ismet Koc, Hacettepe University
Turgay Unalan, Hacettepe University
The proposed study will attempt to examine the size and current location of IDPs as well as their education and health outcomes and specific needs in Turkey. Data for the first part of the proposed study will be from the censuses and demographic surveys conducted in the period of 1985-2003. Further, the proposed study will focus on consequences of the displacement on the child welfare in terms of educational attainment and health outcomes. Data for this part of the study will be mainly from TDHS-2003 conducted by HUIPS during the years 2003 and 2004. The proposed study will use a comparative approach to examine the educational and health outcomes of IDPs by using the outcomes of non-IDPs. The main contribution of the proposed study will be to provide guidance for the development of a coherent IDP policy, addressing return, resettlement and reintegration.
Presented in Session 111: Forced migration